Chapter 1 Data handling with R

1.1 Data types

  • numeric:
    • 2
    • 12.125
  • character strings: 'a', "word"
  • logical:
    • TRUE
    • FALSE
    • NULL (sort of)

Please note that logicals are in capital letters.

  • vectors:
    • c(12, 15, 35698)
    • c("FOSS4G 2022", "Firenze")
  • list: list(1, 45, 12.0, "toto")
  • matrices: matrix(0:9, 3,3)
  • data frames (df): data.frame(x = 1:3, y = c("a", "b", "c"))
  • constants:
    • letters[3:4]
    • LETTERS[12:26]
    • pi

1.2 Assignment

Use of variables to store data in memory.

Use <- (or =)


a <- c(0, 1, 2) # new integer vector
b <- c("FOSS4G", "2022", "Firenze") # new character vector
c <- data.frame(
  number = a, 
  strings = b)
d <- list(1, 45, 12.0, "toto") # lists can store different data types
e = matrix(0:9, 3,3)

1.3 Not only a calculator

R is shipped with lots of functions like :

data(<datasetname>)   # load an embedded dataset
head(<objectname>)    # first lines of a dataframe
is.vector(object)     # return TRUE if object is a vector # return TRUE if object is a data.frame
class(<objectname>)   # returns the class of an object
unique(<objectname>)  # returns unique values
help(<functionname>)  # get help on a function
plot(<objectname>)    # create a graphic from a dataset


  • Load the LakeHuron dataset using data()
  • Get help on the LakeHuron dataset
  • Use head() to see its first lines
  • Plot LakeHuron

1.4 Packages

While base R contains a lot of functions, it can be extended with various packages.

In R, the fundamental unit of shareable code is the package. A package bundles together code, data, documentation, and tests, and is easy to share with others. Wickham and Bryan (2022)

You already saw how to install packages with the install.packages() function, let’s see how to load the {dplyr} package we will use to handle the data.


1.5 Load data

If the packages do not provide datasets to work with, you will want to work on your own data. There is several ways to load data.

Base R provides a set of functions for delimited text files. For example, if we want to work with the Gapminder dataset from Software Carpentry’s R course.

data_url <- ""

# download the data and store it in a variable
gapminder <- read.csv(data_url)

We call this dataset from an URL but it can be a path in your system file.

For example, if you have installed the {gapminder} package as recommended, you will find the data set as a TSV file in your R installation.

data_url <- system.file("extdata/gapminder.tsv", package = "gapminder")
## [1] "/Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/gapminder/extdata/gapminder.tsv"

system.file() is a function that returns the path of files in R packages, independently of the operating system.

gapminder <- read.delim(data_url, sep = "\t")

read.csv() and similar functions can read delimited text files only. For other formats, you can use functions from other packages like {haven} or {readxl}. We will show in Chapter 2 how to load geospatial data.

Let’s take a look to our data :

## Rows: 1,704
## Columns: 6
## $ country   <chr> "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", …
## $ year      <int> 1952, 1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, …
## $ pop       <dbl> 8425333, 9240934, 10267083, 11537966, 13079460, 14880372, 12…
## $ continent <chr> "Asia", "Asia", "Asia", "Asia", "Asia", "Asia", "Asia", "Asi…
## $ lifeExp   <dbl> 28.801, 30.332, 31.997, 34.020, 36.088, 38.438, 39.854, 40.8…
## $ gdpPercap <dbl> 779.4453, 820.8530, 853.1007, 836.1971, 739.9811, 786.1134, …

This dataset is about life expectancy, population and GDP per capita in world countries between 1952 and 2007.

You can also use head() for the same purpose but a different output format.

##       country year      pop continent lifeExp gdpPercap
## 1 Afghanistan 1952  8425333      Asia  28.801  779.4453
## 2 Afghanistan 1957  9240934      Asia  30.332  820.8530
## 3 Afghanistan 1962 10267083      Asia  31.997  853.1007
## 4 Afghanistan 1967 11537966      Asia  34.020  836.1971
## 5 Afghanistan 1972 13079460      Asia  36.088  739.9811
## 6 Afghanistan 1977 14880372      Asia  38.438  786.1134

We can transform a data frame into a tibble to access their better print() method that combines head() and glimpse(). Tibbles are at the core of the Tidyverse packages.

gapminder <- as_tibble(gapminder)
## # A tibble: 1,704 × 6
##    country      year      pop continent lifeExp gdpPercap
##    <chr>       <int>    <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 Afghanistan  1952  8425333 Asia         28.8      779.
##  2 Afghanistan  1957  9240934 Asia         30.3      821.
##  3 Afghanistan  1962 10267083 Asia         32.0      853.
##  4 Afghanistan  1967 11537966 Asia         34.0      836.
##  5 Afghanistan  1972 13079460 Asia         36.1      740.
##  6 Afghanistan  1977 14880372 Asia         38.4      786.
##  7 Afghanistan  1982 12881816 Asia         39.9      978.
##  8 Afghanistan  1987 13867957 Asia         40.8      852.
##  9 Afghanistan  1992 16317921 Asia         41.7      649.
## 10 Afghanistan  1997 22227415 Asia         41.8      635.
## # … with 1,694 more rows

If you want more information about the gapminder dataset, Hans Rosling made a TED talk presenting the gapminder data.

We can see that it contains several columns (also called variables):

## [1] "country"   "year"      "pop"       "continent" "lifeExp"   "gdpPercap"

1.6 In the beginning was the Verb

{dplyr} provides a lot of functions to handle data: filter() to filter the data matching certain conditions (subset data), select() to select columns, mutate() to create new variables. All those functions are verbs and means an action onto the dataset.

1.7 Filter data

If we only want the records from Italy, we can filter using:

filter(gapminder, country == "Italy" )
## # A tibble: 12 × 6
##    country  year      pop continent lifeExp gdpPercap
##    <chr>   <int>    <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 Italy    1952 47666000 Europe       65.9     4931.
##  2 Italy    1957 49182000 Europe       67.8     6249.
##  3 Italy    1962 50843200 Europe       69.2     8244.
##  4 Italy    1967 52667100 Europe       71.1    10022.
##  5 Italy    1972 54365564 Europe       72.2    12269.
##  6 Italy    1977 56059245 Europe       73.5    14256.
##  7 Italy    1982 56535636 Europe       75.0    16537.
##  8 Italy    1987 56729703 Europe       76.4    19207.
##  9 Italy    1992 56840847 Europe       77.4    22014.
## 10 Italy    1997 57479469 Europe       78.8    24675.
## 11 Italy    2002 57926999 Europe       80.2    27968.
## 12 Italy    2007 58147733 Europe       80.5    28570.

in Tidyverse functions, the data is the first argument and does not need to be named.

You can use comparison operators like ==, >, <, >= , etc. There is also logical operators : & (AND), | (OR), ! (NOT) and xor().

So, for example, if we want to subset records for Italy after 2000, we can use filter like this:

italy_2000 <- filter(gapminder, country == "Italy" & year > 2000 )
## # A tibble: 2 × 6
##   country  year      pop continent lifeExp gdpPercap
##   <chr>   <int>    <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 Italy    2002 57926999 Europe       80.2    27968.
## 2 Italy    2007 58147733 Europe       80.5    28570.

This can be translated to : “From the gapminder dataset, filter all rows where the country is equal to Italy and the year is superior to 2000”.


  • Try to subset non-European records
  • Try to subset records that are in Oceania or before 2000

1.8 Select columns

select() allows you to keep only the columns you need for your analysis.

Maybe we only want the country, year and lifeExp variables:

select(italy_2000, country, year, lifeExp)
## # A tibble: 2 × 3
##   country  year lifeExp
##   <chr>   <int>   <dbl>
## 1 Italy    2002    80.2
## 2 Italy    2007    80.5

Or, for example, in the italy_2000 subset, the continent variable does not provide useful information anymore, so we want to discard it. Please not the use of the - symbol before the name of the variable.

select(italy_2000, -continent)
## # A tibble: 2 × 5
##   country  year      pop lifeExp gdpPercap
##   <chr>   <int>    <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 Italy    2002 57926999    80.2    27968.
## 2 Italy    2007 58147733    80.5    28570.

So you can select the column you want to keep or the ones you want to remove.

1.9 Create new variables

Let say you want to compute the GDP, in millions, from the population and the GDP per capita variables. For that, you can use the mutate() function:

mutate(gapminder, GDP = (gdpPercap * pop) / 1000000)
## # A tibble: 1,704 × 7
##    country      year      pop continent lifeExp gdpPercap    GDP
##    <chr>       <int>    <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 Afghanistan  1952  8425333 Asia         28.8      779.  6567.
##  2 Afghanistan  1957  9240934 Asia         30.3      821.  7585.
##  3 Afghanistan  1962 10267083 Asia         32.0      853.  8759.
##  4 Afghanistan  1967 11537966 Asia         34.0      836.  9648.
##  5 Afghanistan  1972 13079460 Asia         36.1      740.  9679.
##  6 Afghanistan  1977 14880372 Asia         38.4      786. 11698.
##  7 Afghanistan  1982 12881816 Asia         39.9      978. 12599.
##  8 Afghanistan  1987 13867957 Asia         40.8      852. 11821.
##  9 Afghanistan  1992 16317921 Asia         41.7      649. 10596.
## 10 Afghanistan  1997 22227415 Asia         41.8      635. 14122.
## # … with 1,694 more rows

It’s companion function, transmute() does the same thing but only keep the new variables.

transmute(gapminder, GDP = (gdpPercap * pop) / 1000000)
## # A tibble: 1,704 × 1
##       GDP
##     <dbl>
##  1  6567.
##  2  7585.
##  3  8759.
##  4  9648.
##  5  9679.
##  6 11698.
##  7 12599.
##  8 11821.
##  9 10596.
## 10 14122.
## # … with 1,694 more rows

If you want to keep variables from the dataset, you can call them in the function call:

transmute(gapminder, country, year, GDP = (gdpPercap * pop)/ 1000000)
## # A tibble: 1,704 × 3
##    country      year    GDP
##    <chr>       <int>  <dbl>
##  1 Afghanistan  1952  6567.
##  2 Afghanistan  1957  7585.
##  3 Afghanistan  1962  8759.
##  4 Afghanistan  1967  9648.
##  5 Afghanistan  1972  9679.
##  6 Afghanistan  1977 11698.
##  7 Afghanistan  1982 12599.
##  8 Afghanistan  1987 11821.
##  9 Afghanistan  1992 10596.
## 10 Afghanistan  1997 14122.
## # … with 1,694 more rows

So in this example, we compute the GDP but we also keep the information about the country and the year.

1.10 Agregate data

Sometimes, we have a too detailed dataset and we want a more broader view of the data so we want to aggregate it.

To do so, {dplyr} provides a couple of functions: group_by() and summarise(). Like their names say, group_by() groups records which share the same value in a variable and summarise() compute the summary of non-grouping variables.

For example, let’s compute the yearly population of each continent. To do this, we first group the data by continent and year and pass the result to summarise(). In this second function, we create a new variable called population that is the sum of the variable pop of each group.

summarise(group_by(gapminder, continent, year), population = sum(pop))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'continent'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 60 × 3
## # Groups:   continent [5]
##    continent  year population
##    <chr>     <int>      <dbl>
##  1 Africa     1952  237640501
##  2 Africa     1957  264837738
##  3 Africa     1962  296516865
##  4 Africa     1967  335289489
##  5 Africa     1972  379879541
##  6 Africa     1977  433061021
##  7 Africa     1982  499348587
##  8 Africa     1987  574834110
##  9 Africa     1992  659081517
## 10 Africa     1997  743832984
## # … with 50 more rows

You can use any function to summarise your data, for example, if you want to know the number of entries by continent, you can use n().

summarise(group_by(gapminder, continent), count = n())
## # A tibble: 5 × 2
##   continent count
##   <chr>     <int>
## 1 Africa      624
## 2 Americas    300
## 3 Asia        396
## 4 Europe      360
## 5 Oceania      24

Or if you only want the first country of each continent:

summarise(group_by(gapminder, continent), country = first(.data[["country"]]))
## # A tibble: 5 × 2
##   continent country    
##   <chr>     <chr>      
## 1 Africa    Algeria    
## 2 Americas  Argentina  
## 3 Asia      Afghanistan
## 4 Europe    Albania    
## 5 Oceania   Australia

.data is a pronoun that you can use when the column name is a character vector.


  • Determine the max GDP by country other the period (tip: there is a max() function base R.)

1.11 Join data

{dplyr} provides a large variety of functions to join datasets : inner_join(),left_join(), right_join(), full_join(), nest_join() , semi_join(),anti_join().

Let’s create two datasets that shares a common key. This new key will be the country name and the year separated by an underscore.

gapminder_left <- transmute(gapminder, 
                            key = paste0(country, "_" , year), 
## # A tibble: 1,704 × 4
##    key              country     continent  year
##    <chr>            <chr>       <chr>     <int>
##  1 Afghanistan_1952 Afghanistan Asia       1952
##  2 Afghanistan_1957 Afghanistan Asia       1957
##  3 Afghanistan_1962 Afghanistan Asia       1962
##  4 Afghanistan_1967 Afghanistan Asia       1967
##  5 Afghanistan_1972 Afghanistan Asia       1972
##  6 Afghanistan_1977 Afghanistan Asia       1977
##  7 Afghanistan_1982 Afghanistan Asia       1982
##  8 Afghanistan_1987 Afghanistan Asia       1987
##  9 Afghanistan_1992 Afghanistan Asia       1992
## 10 Afghanistan_1997 Afghanistan Asia       1997
## # … with 1,694 more rows
gapminder_right <- transmute(gapminder, 
                             key = paste0(country, "_" , year), 
## # A tibble: 1,704 × 4
##    key              lifeExp      pop gdpPercap
##    <chr>              <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 Afghanistan_1952    28.8  8425333      779.
##  2 Afghanistan_1957    30.3  9240934      821.
##  3 Afghanistan_1962    32.0 10267083      853.
##  4 Afghanistan_1967    34.0 11537966      836.
##  5 Afghanistan_1972    36.1 13079460      740.
##  6 Afghanistan_1977    38.4 14880372      786.
##  7 Afghanistan_1982    39.9 12881816      978.
##  8 Afghanistan_1987    40.8 13867957      852.
##  9 Afghanistan_1992    41.7 16317921      649.
## 10 Afghanistan_1997    41.8 22227415      635.
## # … with 1,694 more rows

Now we can join them.

joined_gapminder <- left_join(
  by = "key" # optional argument if the join variables have the same name

Left Join animation (Copyright Garrick Aden_Buie)

If you want more information on joins operations with {dplyr}, we recommend to read the dedicated blogpost from Garrick Aden-Buie

1.12 Piping

Piping allows to create a sequence of actions on a dataset without storing intermediate results.

As it can be difficult to debug piped commands for beginners, we won’t use it in this workshop. However, its usage is very frequent so it is most likely that a beginner will encounter it in documentation or in code source publicly available.

The most common form %>% is provided by the package {magrittr}, which is part of the tidyverse and is a dependency of {dplyr}, so you don’t have to load it.

In the following example, we show how to compute the mean GDP by the decade of European countries using pipes to chain functions.

gapminder %>% # pass the dataset as the first argument
  filter(continent == "Europe") %>% # subset on European records
  select(-continent) %>% # remove the continent column
  mutate(decade = year - year %% 10, # compute decade
         GDP = (gdpPercap * pop) / 1000000 # compute GDP
         ) %>% 
  group_by(country, decade) %>% # grouping variables
  summarise(mean_GDP = mean(GDP)) # compute mean GDP of the decade
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'country'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 180 × 3
## # Groups:   country [30]
##    country decade mean_GDP
##    <chr>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 Albania   1950    2461.
##  2 Albania   1960    4737.
##  3 Albania   1970    8182.
##  4 Albania   1980   10796.
##  5 Albania   1990    9627.
##  6 Albania   2000   18765.
##  7 Austria   1950   52056.
##  8 Austria   1960   85666.
##  9 Austria   1970  137585.
## 10 Austria   1980  171559.
## # … with 170 more rows

With R 4.1.0, the built-in piping operator |> has been introduced:

gapminder |> # pass the datset as the first argument
  filter(continent == "Europe") |> # subset on European records
  select(-continent) |> # remove the continent column
  mutate(decade = year - year %% 10, # compute decade
         GDP = (gdpPercap * pop) / 1000000 # compute GDP
         ) |> 
  group_by(country, decade) |> # grouping variables
  summarise(mean_GDP = mean(GDP)) # compute mean GDP of the decade
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'country'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 180 × 3
## # Groups:   country [30]
##    country decade mean_GDP
##    <chr>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 Albania   1950    2461.
##  2 Albania   1960    4737.
##  3 Albania   1970    8182.
##  4 Albania   1980   10796.
##  5 Albania   1990    9627.
##  6 Albania   2000   18765.
##  7 Austria   1950   52056.
##  8 Austria   1960   85666.
##  9 Austria   1970  137585.
## 10 Austria   1980  171559.
## # … with 170 more rows

Those two pipes operators are not equivalent so we recommend to read this R-bloggers’ blogpost on pipe’s operators.


Wickham, Hadley, and Jennifer Bryan. 2022. R Packages. 2nd ed.